Who might support you through your diagnosis

There are a variety of people who may support you through a diagnosis of dementia. If more than one professional is involved in your support it can be confusing to understand their different roles.


In Aberdeenshire, Health and Social Care has been integrated. A Core Team approach makes sure any professionals involved with your care and support work together so you get the best possible advice, care and support.


The Core Team can vary depending on your needs. The Team could involve a combination of different professionals – for example, a Nurse, Care Manager and Occupational Therapist. Usually there will be a lead professional who is your main contact. They will coordinate with other professionals as and when you need them.


To help you understand their roles some Aberdeenshire professionals have described what they do and how they can support you. View a description for each role:

There are a variety of different health care professionals who contribute to dementia support. These are known as Allied Health Professionals. They include:

Alzheimer Scotland’s website has more information about how Allied Health Professionals can help people living with dementia and their families.


Sometimes you may already be getting support for other health or social care needs at the time of your diagnosis, or initial discussions may suggest you need more practical support. In these circumstances you may also have contact with these professionals:



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