Dementia Outreach Nurse

dementia outreach nurse

Christine, Dementia Outreach Nurse

A Dementia Outreach Nurse works in the Community Mental Health Team. The team is made up of a mixture of community mental health nurses, support workers and a Link Worker. There are 3 teams in Aberdeenshire.


You may be referred to a Dementia Outreach Nurse after a diagnosis of dementia, either through your Psychiatrist or GP.


A Dementia Outreach Nurse can offer a person-centred approach to support for you if you are living with dementia. This approach considers your individual needs and circumstances. A Dementia Outreach Nurse may provide your Post Diagnostic Support, as well as supporting you to manage and understand the symptoms of your dementia.


Dementia Outreach Nurses may also be involved in running memory groups for people newly diagnosed with dementia. They also run carers groups and groups aimed at younger people with dementia.



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