Cost of moving into a care home

If you need to be supported in residential or nursing care in a care home, the costs are worked out differently to care provided in the community.

Free personal and nursing care in a care home

You can get free personal and nursing care if you live in a care home and are assessed as needing it. Nationally, a set contribution is paid on your behalf towards your overall care home cost to cover personal care and nursing care services.

Chargeable care in a care home

Support not considered personal or nursing care in a care home is chargeable. What you are expected to pay depends on your financial circumstances and which care home you move to.

If you have been assessed as needing to move into a care home, you will be offered a financial assessment by the local authority. How this amount is worked out differs from the charging policy for care at home. This is set nationally.

Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership’s Guide to contributing towards residential/nursing care home fees explains the financial process if you need to go in a care home. The guide is available on Aberdeenshire Council’s website.

There are a number of care home providers, and the costs vary. If you need to move to a care home you, your carer and family should discuss this with the care homes you are considering.

More information is available Aberdeenshire Council’s website: