Category: support
Meaningful activities
Meaningful activities add value and quality to a person’s life. Meaningful activities may include a number of things from daily living tasks through to social outings and meetings. Dementia UK Dementia UK has some useful information about meaningful activities for a person with dementia. ALISS (A Local Information System for Scotland) ALISS is a national…
Cost of moving into a care home
If you need to be supported in residential or nursing care in a care home, the costs are worked out differently to care provided in the community. Free personal and nursing care in a care home You can get free personal and nursing care if you live in a care home and are assessed as…
Paying for care at home
Whether you have to pay for care at home depends on the type of support you need and your financial circumstances. Aberdeenshire Council has eligibility criteria for care and support services. This is based around giving priority to those who are at the greatest risk of harm. It helps prioritise those people whose independence or wellbeing is…
Accommodation options
Housing that provides additional support can be a positive choice for people living with dementia. But it is important to consider the impact of a move and balance the benefits with the possibility for it to be disorientating and potentially distressing. The different housing options available if living in your home is no longer possible…
Social care and support
Social care services are available if you need care and support to live independently. In Aberdeenshire, these services are provided by Aberdeenshire Council and NHS Grampian through the Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership (AHSCP). Social care services include care and support at home (including free personal care), day activities, respite care and support in a care…
Dementia friendly communities
A dementia friendly community is a place where you, as a person living with dementia, are understood, respected, and supported. This may be a town, city, or village. It involves people in that community proactively learning more about dementia, the signs and symptoms and the best ways to interact with you. It also involves members…